Monday, January 24, 2011


I profited $6.31 and $8 in Register Rewards
Had 8 ($5 off Maalox) Coupons
Bought 5 Maalox Liquids for $4.34 each.
Used 5 ($5 coupons)
Profited $3.30
Found 3 more Maalox for $3.99 each
Bought 3
Used 3 ($5 coupons)
Profited $3.01
I had to have $30 worth of Maalox to get $10 Register Rewards.
I was going to get $10 RR and had to buy at least $6.31 worth of other
products from my proift
I bought 6 rolls of their toilet paper on sale for .40 a piece.
and bought a Artic Shaving gel for $3.99 so I would get back $3.00 RR from that to.
This took care of my $6.31 I had to spend from the Profit .
When I checked out I only got the $5 RR for the Maalox, because I didn't have
the right size on some of them.  the $5 was from the Buy $20 worth of Maalox get $5 RR
and also got the $3 RR fromthe Artic shaving gel
prfited $5 and $3
I know this is confusing so here is what I got
8 bottles of Maalox
6 rolls of toilet paper
1 Artic  shaving gel
the total was .$40.06
plus tax $3.05
Total $43.11
minus the 8 ($5 Maalox coupons)
equal $3.11
I paid $3.11
I got 8 bottles of Maalox (any one need any?) 6 rolls of toiltet paper and 1 Artic shaving gel free
with the coupons and the profit money
and I also got $3 RR from the gel and $5 from the Maalox
Now I have $8 to spend on something else

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